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2024-06-29 05:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Prada is being slammed on social media by critics who are accusing the brand of promoting racism through a questionable product line.因为宣传疑似带有种族歧视倾向的产品线,普拉达被媒体上的评论家疯狂吐槽。

Prada's 'Pradamalia' line features several 'mysterious creatures,' as described by the brand, including an oddly-shaped blue dog and and a bizarre octopus-alien hybrid. While those are harmless enough, the collection also includes a pair of more human figures with brown skin and big lips.普拉达的“Pradamalia”的产品线,用这个品牌的话来说,就是有好几种“神秘生物”。其中包括一直形状怪异的蓝狗,一只诡异的章鱼和外星人的杂交品种,当然这些是人畜无害。不过该系列也包括一对深色皮肤,厚嘴唇的人形配件。

When one New York City activist spotted the figures featured in a Prada window display, she took to social media to share her disgust, accusing Prada of spreading racist blackface imagery — and her post prompted fury from thousands of others, eventually leading the store to remove the products from the window.一名纽约的激进者发现了陈列在普拉达的展示橱窗内这个产品,她拍了照发布在了社交媒体上,并进行了吐槽,称普拉达这是在传播种族主义黑脸形象。她的帖子让数千人感到愤怒,最终导致这个产品被从橱窗内移走。

Chinyere Ezie, an attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, came upon the imagery while walking past Prada's Soho, New York store on Thursday.宪法权利中心的律师Chinyere Ezie,在周二经过纽约的Prada's Soho的时候看到了这个形象。

She shared them on Facebook in a public post, writing that she was 'shaking with anger'.她在脸书上分享了这个图片,称自己“愤怒到颤抖”。


Chinyere went on: 'When I asked a Prada employee whether they knew they had plastered blackface imagery throughout their store, in a moment of surprising candor I was told that a black employee had previously complained about blackface at Prada, but he didn't work there anymore.'Chinyere继续说道:“当我们问店员是否知道店内有黑脸形象,在一瞬间的惊讶以后,称之前有一名黑人员工曾经抱怨过,之后他就没有再那里工作了。”

'History cannot continue to repeat itself. Black America deserves better. And we demand better,' she added. Until then please repost and retweet @Prada using the hashtags #StopBlackface #BoycottPrada #EndRacismNow.'“历史还在重演。美国黑人应该得到更好的待遇,我们要变得更好。”她补充道。但那时候之前,请转发@Prada,并且用上#别再用黑脸#抵制普拉达#立刻停止种族歧视的标签。

Prada also release a statement in response to the criticism. 普拉达最近对于这个评论给出回应。

'#Prada Group abhors racist imagery,' it read. 'The Pradamalia are fantasy charms composed of elements of the Prada oeuvre. They are imaginary creatures not intended to have any reference to the real world and certainly not blackface.#普拉达团队憎恶种族歧视形象。“Pradamalia的想象产品为普拉达整个产品增光添彩。他们都是想象的产物,没有参照现实世界的任何东西,它也肯定不是黑脸。”

In this interest we will withdraw the characters in question from display and circulation.出于这个目的,我们将会撤销这个引起误会的形象,不会让它再出现在展区或者流通渠道中。







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